SternaSafe, Free and Safe concept

Free breathing, secure sternum


simplified explained

(40 seconds)

SternaSafe, detailed explained


  • Free

In normal, inactivated position, the SternaSafe fits loose on your chest, not tight. This let’s the patient breath freely, without compromising lung capacity, without pain and strain.

Feel free and comfortable to wear.

  • Safe

SternaSafe is made with a 100% NON-elastic band. Therefor it gives the patient a safe, secure, sturdy sternum support, with only a light easy squeeze or pull on the grips.

Sternasafe Pro and Uni ( videos)

(32 seconds)

Sternasafe Flex and Uni ( videos)

(32 seconds)

Enhanced post-op recovery

SternaSafe helps in several ways, speeding up recovery.

  • As the patient has direct control over their wound-support and pain, the patient feels safe to do deep breathing and coughing exercise with the physiotherapist. Promoting lung expansion and coughing up fluids are key points for faster recovery.
  • As SternaSafe chest-band is non-elastic , it gives great counter pressure to the Sternabone with only 10 cm width. Because of the relatively small 10cm, width of the band , the abdominal parts of the lungs are free to expand and are even extra stimulated and activated. Also a key point for faster recovery.
    “SternaSafe is an effective device in CABG patients with better early postoperative profile in terms of respiratory function and sternotomy wound healing”
    – Professor Kofidis. Heart center, University Singapore, Asia

Comfortable to wear easy to operate

After 15 years worldwide use, and out of study, it is known, that SternaSafe is worn for 21 days post-op averagely (Dr Hamerlijnck , Academical hospital Gent, Belgium).
Significant longer than other larger and tight feeling braces.

“The best sternum-brace is the one that patients like, are able to wear over a long period (2-7 weeks) and most of the time”
– The SternaSafe inventors

Money and time savings

  • As the patient has direct control over their pain and wound support, the patient feels safe to move around earlier. Physical exercise is a key point for faster recovery.
    On top of that, the patient might be able to go home earlier, which is good for the patient, time and money savings for hospital and care team.
    “SternaSafe UNI’ for us is a win win situation, good for the patient, good for the hospital
    -Dr. ter Woorst. University hospital Eindhoven, The Netherlands, EU.